
Surf's Up!

Want to have a bird's eye view of the surfers at Mavericks? Well, here's your chance! The way the waves come through at Mavericks, experienced boats can safely sit just outside the areas where the surfers sit and the waves start breaking. Always staying at a safe distance, we are still able to be right next to the surfers at times. From the boat, viewers can look right down the tube and get some awesome views of surfers shooting the curl.

Folks onboard get to experience the roar of the ocean and at times feel the breeze hitting their face as the tube crashes, closes and spits. Just keep in mind, though, that being onboard a boat is not for everyone. Even though we are not shooting 30 foot plus waves like the surfers just yards away, we are riding the large swells that come through.

Once the boat leaves the dock, it does not return until it's scheduled return time except for emergencies, and normal seasickness is not an emergency!

Scheduling & Reservations

Due to the unpredictable nature of the ocean and weather conditions, we often don't know if / when we are going out until right before the contest. The best way to keep informed is to contact the shop using the information at the bottom of the page, or to check our online reservations system.

When we do go out, we offer reservations on a first come, first serve basis. All reservations are non-refundable, except when the trip is canceled due to weather or other circumstances.